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1.  基于无人机低空遥感的高粱表型信息获取及产量估算市科合HZ字(202216311万,2022/6/30-2024/6/30,主持

2. 基于无人机多模态遥感数据和机器学习算法的高粱叶面积指数估算mygccrc[2022]049102022/11/15-2024/11/15主持;

3.  A Defensible, Next Generation Approach to Quantifying and Characterizing Land Use Change (FY2018-2021)美国农业部 (USDA), $1.25 million参与;

4. Global Tree Mortality Prediction Based on Hydraulic Function Failure (FY2015-2017)LANL LDRD ER, $1.1 million,参与

5. 深圳植被生物量及碳汇的建模研究仙湖植物园(#8851)与中南林业科技大学 (#0990)2014/1/1-2015/12/31,参与。

联系方式:  wangminzi@mtxy.edu.cn


1. Wang M., C. Xu, D.J. Johnson, C.D. Allen, M. Anderson, G. Wang, G. Qie, K.C. Solander, and N.G. McDowell (2022). Multi-scale quantification of anthropogenic, fire, and drought-associated forest disturbances across the continental U.S., 2000–2014. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 5:693418. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2022.693418.

2. Wang M., M. Wander, J.B. Dunn, S. Mueller, N.F. Martin, P. Ruiz, and A. Katsaggelos (2022). Evaluation of survey and remote sensing data products used to estimate land use change in the United States: Evolving issues and emerging opportunities. Environmental Science and Policy. 129:68-78.

3. S. López-Tapia, P. Ruiz, M. Smith, J. Matthews, B. Zercher, L. Sydorenko, N. Varia, Y. Jin, M. Wang, J.B. Dunn, A. K. Katsaggelos (2021). Machine learning with high-resolution aerial imagery and data fusion to improve and automate the detection of wetlands. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 105:102581.

4. Dunn, J.B., A. Katsaggelos, M. Wander S. Mueller, N.F. Martin, M. Wang, P. Ruiz, M. Smith, L. Sydorenko, N. Varia, M. Jin, and Z. Wang (2020). Machine Learning and Data Fusion for Aerial Imagery Interpretation of Land Use Change. Workshop 2: USDA-NIFA Next Generation Land Use Change Methodology Project. Northwestern University, June 10-11, 2020.

5. Dunn, J.B., A. Katsaggelos, M. Wander S. Mueller, N.F. Martin, M. Wang, P. Ruiz, M. Smith (2019). A defensible, next generation approach to quantifying and characterizing land use change. Workshop 1: USDA-funded Biomass Research and Development (BRDI) project. Northwestern University, April 4-5, 2019.

6. Xu, C., M. Wang, C.D. Allen, N.G. McDowell, G. Wang, and R.S. Middleton (2017). Drought impact on vegetation growth and mortality. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 Fall meeting. December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana.

7. Wang M., C. Xu, D.J. Johnson, C.D. Allen, G. Wang, N.G. McDowell (2016). Quantification of forest mortality and associated impacts on carbon storage by major disturbance types for the CONUS. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall meeting. December 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, CA.

8. Wang M., and G. Wang (2015). Wetland Change Detection and Analysis of the Dongting Lake Using Multi-temporal Images. Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2015 Annual Meeting. April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, IL.

9. Sun, H., Z. Ma, G. Wang, S. Rijal, G. Qie, and M. Wang (2015). Improvement of Desertification Mapping for Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Area Using Spectral Unmixing Analysis. Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2015 Annual Meeting. Chicago April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, IL.

10. Qie G., G. Wang, H. Sun, Y. Tan, Y. Peng, M. Wang (2015). Improvement of City Forest Carbon Mapping by Combining Spectral Unmixing Analysis and Regression Modeling. Association of American Geographers (AAG) 2015 Annual Meeting. Chicago April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, IL.

11. Wang M., G. Qie, and G. Wang (2015). Spatial Pattern Analysis of Crimes (2008-2012) in Spokane City, WA. Illinois GIS Association (IL GISA) Meeting. Feb. 19, 2015, Carbondale, IL.

12. 谭一凡, 广平, 敏姿, 王广兴, 彭友贵, 朝沁, 孙华, 林辉 (2014). 深圳市建成区森林碳汇分布估测方法比较研究[J]. 中南林业科技大学学报, 34(11):140-144.

13. Wang M., and G. Wang (2014). Monitoring Wetland Dynamics of the Dongting Lake, China. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) 2014 Annual Conference. March 22-27, 2014, Louisville, KY.

14. Niu, G., M. Wang, D Rodriguez, and D. Zhang (2012). Response of Zinnia Plants to Saline Water Irrigation. HortScience. 47(6):793-797.

15. Wang M., G. Niu, D.C. Rodriguez, and D. Zhang (2010). Response of Zinnia Cultivars to Salinity. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association. 2 (55):189-194.

16. 张斌, 李志辉, 傅新文, 张冬林, 王敏姿 (2010). N+ 注入对紫薇光合特性和叶绿素含量的影响[J]. 激光生物学报, 19(3):303-306.